Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Duck Daddy and His Five Girls - Days 20-21

Day 19 was a day of dirty ducks. Day 20 and 21 were the days of clean ducks. The girlies went swimming on days 20 and 21. We had not yet taken them to swim. Bev has been nervous about this because they can drown when they are young, but I was concerned about how dirty they got, and Bev read a website which mentioned taking the Indian Runners for a swim. So two at a time we put them in the original brooder - the old washbasin. The old washbasin was filled with warm water in our shower, and the ducks were placed in staggered rotation so that there were two at time in the basin.

After the swim each duck would get dried off and put back in the brooder. They dried off so quickly that when getting the last duck, we weren't sure which one had not gone, and somebody got two swims.

These were happy, happy ducks, and afterward they were given their greens, they love a good chopped salad! This was ducky heaven today. So now we have clean happy girls!

Today, I was out for a good part of the day working, and the unseasonably cool weather for June in Salem made it so that the girls did not get out in the yard. Today I took them for a swim in the Kitchen sink. Our Kitchen sink is quite deep, and it is a large single basin sink. I did not have the camera with me for the sink swim, and once I started them swimming I had my hands full. These crazy girls got me quite wet.

Tonight we bought a brand new inflatable kiddie pool - 10' by 6'. Of all the stupid things we did not have a decent pump with us. Can you say dizzy? This pool will become their next brooder. They are outgrowing their second brooder, and the days are still chilly enough we don't want to pu them outside - besides we are still concerned about predators, and want to be sure they are older, stronger, faster when they go out. By tomorrow we should have them in a brooder with much more square footage.


Raw Faith Real World said...

Today I had a crappy day. The ducks made me very happy! Thanks for continuing to share their story.

Pastor Phil said...

I'm sorry about the crappy day. I wish I could send you a ducky. Of course, they increase the crappiness wherever they go - it's just happy crappy.