First thing in the morning when we let them out they run around the yard quacking up a storm of noise.
"Uh-oh," thought Bev.
In the last couple weeks this has been one of a few interactions with the neighbors which has caused us to wonder if the ducks might be disturbing our little sub-urban neighborhood.
The people across the street mentioned that they could hear the ducks, and that their girls run to the windows to see the ducks when they hear them quacking. Mark loves the sound of ducks. (+1 ducks)
The next door neighbor on our street came over to see the ducks, because she heard them. We apologized for their noise, and she said that she enjoyed hearing them. "Oh no, we love the sound of the ducks. I wanted to get my own chickens, but my husband won't have it." (+2 ducks)
A second person who abuts our property and can look down on our yard stood on her tip-toes to speak over the fence and said, "do you have ducks?"
"Yes," we replied, "are they too loud?"
"Oh no, they are so cute." She replied. (+3 ducks)
A third abutting neighbor, whose back fence is directly next to the duck pen was outside painting his house.
The Painting neighbor said, "the ducks are excited about something." I apologized and mentioned that they are noisy in the morning and late afternoon.
He said, "I don't mind it at all. I like the sound of the ducks. I'd get my own if I could." (+4 ducks)
Then a fourth neighbor who lives a block away had been walking past, and heard the ducks. She returned later with her grown sons, and they all came in to check out the ducks. They had seen bills, and heard quacking. They came over because they were excited about the idea of ducks in the neighborhood. (+5 ducks, 0 grumpy neighbors - so far.)
The moral of the story is this: Ducks are like pickles. Know what I mean?
If you don't understand you will have to check in tomorrow.
1 comment:
COOL! :) The Duck party sounds like it will be a hoot too.... or is that a quack? :D
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