Sunday, November 18, 2007

Political Ad You Just Gotta Love

Okay, I may lean right, but even if I leaned left, this ad rocks. Finally someone with a sense of humor. It may be cornball, but it's time that someone did an ad with fun as one goal. So here's to Mike Huckabee - thanks for the laugh. Chuck Norris fans will be voting for you.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad I did NOT have coffee in my mouth when I started playing that. What a hoot!!!

I might even vote for Mike based on that ad alone. What the heck ...

I'd vote for Obama, but the Democrats are going to shoot themselves in the foot and nominate Hilary. I can see it coming from miles away.

Pastor Phil said...

Yeah - Huckabee rocks. Although I may vote for Chuck on the border. That's worth it all.

Anonymous said...

Loved the ad. Still won't vote for Huckabee, though.

But definitely loved the ad.

Pastor Phil said...

Yeah, it is great, and I have some liberal friends rethinking voting for Huckabee - one of them comes from OK too. That says something. Two words CHUCK - NORRIS.

g13 said...

this friend from OK says that he could be amenable to huckabee primarily because he is so much better than 9/11, 24-7 guliani, flipper and the others.

maybe some of bubba's hope magic could wear off on huckabee, but i'm still holding out for an unlikely obama victory.

the commercial is incredibly cool though. thanks for posting it.

Pastor Phil said...


You know you love Hillary.

g13 said...

at this point i would probably prefer communists to neo-cons:)

of course, all of this is for naught because - in general - i don't vote.

Pastor Phil said...

Hey G,

Thanks for relinquishing your vote to a conservative like me! ;-)