Wednesday, November 07, 2007

When the Edginess Leads to Excitement - Wanna Take Over the World?

So my last post documented feeling displaced by typical Christian church styles, even though they were good examples of doing church typically today - really it was a great example, but I felt out of place and strange in the experience. Now that I am home and back in the church office after Off the Map Live I actually have some sense of seeing, or at least looking ahead toward the future. After being beat up for a couple years, then going on a two month sabbatical (thanks to many of you), and then coming back in September to have to blitz toward our wild and crazy October outreaches here in Salem, then flying out on November 1st the morning after the busiest day of my year to go to Off the Map, I am now back in the saddle, and feel like I can project toward the future better than I have been able to do in a long, long time.

I wonder if all that Off the Map stuff was part of the envigorating energy? Combined with Taize, and Druid festivals in the UK, and visiting The Fringe, and spending time in Wales, and hanging out with Mike and Jules, and being free from the church stresses for a couple months, maybe the combination of things has brought some excitement back to my heart. Woo-hoo - who wants to take on the world with me today?


Anonymous said...

call me pinky. ;)

Pastor Phil said...


Lainie Petersen said...

Sounds to me like you needed to get some rest, and a change of routine, to renew your mind and soul. It also sounds like getting together with other like-minded people was refreshing to you.

In any case, I am glad that you are feeling better and are getting back in the swing of things. You are much needed, Pastor Phil!

cern said...

So the plan worked then? Good. :)

