Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Why Man headed to the UK

I will be in the UK, and then in France for the next month. I will have my computer, so I will try to do some blogging updates on our mission, and then our experiences in France at Taize and at the coast, but I can't promise anything at this point. So, I hope to be blogging again with regularity come September.

Gwyn dy fyd, and off to Wales I go.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that i read the article on your dismissal from your denomination and I am so sorry. i am a former wiccan and am so grateful that my friends devoted themselves to praying for me for two whole years, every Tuesday, until I met Jesus in 1993 when i was 16. It was the word of God itself that convicted me (Galatians 5--about witchcraft). I think you are 100% on the right track and am so grateful for your work. It's courageous and necessary. I'd love to meet you someday; we're in MA all the time (Amherst) and learn more from you. Thank you and God bless you!

Webb Kline said...

Godspeed my friend. We'll be in Boston from the 18th to the 25th and was hoping to hook up, but maybe we can get up to the October happenings. I pray your trip will help you to put the garbage behind you and bring you vision, blessings and providence. :)